Monday, April 4, 2011

Project64K7E (Update 1.2.0 - April 2011)

Hi Everyone, I decided a few days ago to work in the latest update of our K7E, below I will explain what changes were made. They're not many, but i hope you find it to your liking.


Texture Reading, Both Glide64 and JaboD3D8 1.7

super smash bros 64 link

Choosing Plugins were Fixed thanks to Henryxs87

Now you can play without displaying the error message when starting the emulator for the first time, this message also appeared when the emulator failed and we had to re-select the plugins, now is no longer necessary, because the emulator will not fail... at least for this reason.


Config Folder

project64k config

I added the Config Folder where you store all the files used by PJ64K7E (except for the dlls) the folder will have the RDX, RDB, RDN, CHT, LNG folders and the Cache, so the directory of our emulator is kept clear.

Update of CHT on April, 2011 - Adapted for Kaillera

Unlike the previous K7E, I eliminated all the unsupported SSB Cheats for the 1.4, to eliminate loading times, either when you enabled or disabled cheats.

In addition, I have added almost all the cheats of games that are played on Kaillera, I mean SSB, Mario Kart 64, Mario Party (1, 2, 3), GoldenEye 007, Conker Bad Fur Day, etc...

Support for 300 Cheats each game? (corrección)

I wanted to leave it at 300, since the previous K7E had a major problem with the increase of support when we Clicked on "Mark All" or "Unmark All" if they were selected either of the 2, the emulator failed, but the CHT code were reduced.

The 90% of the games played on Kaillera are from SSB, 9% would be Mario Kart 64, Mario Party (1, 2, 3), GoldenEye 007, Conker Bad Fur Day and 1% from other games. None of the above exceed 300 Cheats, so there is no reason (yet) to raise the support, moreover, if we do, we would leave the 2 buttons inoperatives (the buttons of "Mark All" and "Unmark All"), which would cause the crash we Emulator.

Adaptation of NRage for Kaillera



All users of this plugin have ever had this problem and worse if they are new entrepreneurs in the world of Kaillera, because it is a headache for those who do not know how the fix. This is the Bug of the "RAW DATA", this bug precludes the player to move during the online games. Now is no longer a problem because I removed the "RAW DATA" option. It's a relief for many people. Even if it activates by another way, just by pressing "Apply" you can fix the problem.

Changes in the Menu

* "Show % CPU usage" was deactivated, because it precludes the player to read the messages (chat) in online mode in the lower section of the emulator.

* 2 options were joined, because they opened the same window, I mean Contents and Index.

Keyboard Shortcuts

project64k hotkeys
project64k hotkeys

project64k hotkeys
project64k hotkeys

F11 = Start Emulation.

F12 = Close the game.

Ctrl + C = To load the cheats.

Ctrl + T = To access the configuration.

Ctrl + S = To save the game.

Plugins Pre-Determined

Graphic: Jabos Direct3D8 1.6.
Audio: Jabos Direct Sound 1.6 (to adjust the volume).
Control: NRage 1.61 (Not added later versions because they have major bugs in the Controls Modifiers, impossible movement at certain times).



project64k acerca de


project64k acerca de

Oops, someone from the Team of PJ64 forgot to mention some of his Team (Marked in Red), then i wanted to edit the "About" to not skip anyone who has worked as well as those who worked on the emulator, who gave support for Kaillera and finally Henryxs87 and i, who did the updates.


  1. ¡Hola!

    He añadido tu página a enlaces imprescindibles de mi blog

    ¿Se puede copiar y pegar los posts firmando tu autoría y poniendo a su vez el enlace de origen?

  2. Claro, hazlo con total libetad, perdon si no he respondido antes, he tenido mucho estudio.

  3. ¡Ok, gracias! :D Te voy siguiendo el proyecto!

  4. oye y q diferencioa tiene el project64k al project64k7e?????

  5. El K7E es la actualizacion del Project64k, q trae 5 veces mas de Cheats, soporte y seleccion habilitada de plugins, etc... todos los cambios q puedes leer en este blog son las diferencias con respecto del Project64k

  6. que tal! primero q nada muchas gracias y q siga el entusiasmo al 100%, mi pregunta es podria alguien explicar como jugar una red lan (sin coneccion a internet) y si se necesita algo mas..

  7. @Anónimo:
    Se puede, pero no sabria como exactamente si, te estaría chamullando, pero para no dejarte sin responder... como se trata de una red local, usa P2P (ya sea por n02 o por AQZ Netplay), el q Hostea crea la partida sin escribir la IP, el q se conecta escribiendo y el puerto q estee usando (generalmente 27888 o 27999), por lo q tendrias q escribir sería lo q tendrias q escribir.

    Ojo q nunca lo he probado en una red local, pero creo q sería algo así

  8. gracias gaudy01!!! lo intentare...

  9. necesito q me ayuden a configurarlo tal y como se ve en la primera imagen ayudan?

  10. @Luis David
    Te refieres a las texturas de SSB? Esas son texturas q cargas con la ayuda de Glide64 Napalm, las texturas las descargas aparte para q el juego tenga mejor apariencia

  11. como descargo super smash bross

  12. A veces se me acelera la emulación jugando online, a qué puede deberse?

  13. Hey, someone who only understands English has a controller problem! That someone is me.

  14. ninguna puta descarga de ningun lado que hayas subido funciona... deja de subir a media fire
